Friday, April 28, 2017

"I shall Return." —GE, Douglas MacCarthur

It's been quite a while, but like Doug I have returned. I've been painting like a madman, mostly commission work in a wide variety of genres, primarily 28mm (you know that's my favorite):

• World War II
       - US Infantry
       - US Paras
       - Chindits
       - Wehrmacht
       - Fallschirmjäger
       - Wehrmacht in winter gear       - AFVs and vehicles of all types
• American West
       - Cowboys and 7th Cavalry
       - Plains Indians to come
• Vikings
• Crusaders

I promise that I'll start posting some photos soon, and will keep you up to date on latest works. 

I have several 28mm World War II items for sale including terrain and some unique scratch built pieces, but will have a better fix on what's still available after Little Wars, which is starting today at the Westin Hotel in Lombard, Illinois. 

Don't hesitate to contact me, though if you're looking for something in particular at

I did attend AdeptiCon several weeks ago and was quite smitten by a few new games that were unveiled there. Arena Rex a mythical gladiatorial game and Blood & Plunder a pirates game. For people like me who have little time to game these days, these two games can be played within 90-minutes and are really quite enjoyable...and don't cost a bloody fortune. While some may think $30+ for the B&P rule book a little pricey, I think it's well worth it just for the illustrations and quality of the publishing.